The Power of Chiropractic

Nerves control all the processes of the body.  All nerves pass through the spine.  Strain, trauma, emotional stress, or toxicity can move the spinal vertebrae out of alignment.  When the vertebrae are misaligned, the flow of messages from the brain to the other cells in the body is distorted.  

 A misaligned  vertebra can have a direct effect on an organ's function when it impedes the proper nerve flow to it.  A properly aligned spine allows electrical impulses from the brain to travel freely along the spinal cord to all the organs.  This is a critical process in maintaining health.  

Chiropractors are professionally trained in correcting misaligned vertebrae (subluxations).  Adjustments made to the spine allow it to return to proper alignment-resulting in optimum nerve flow.  When there is proper nerve flow, the body can then maintain and heal itself.