Sinus Trouble

Sinus problems are caused by the lack of the "lymphatic pump" due to spinal subluxations (misalignment) of the cervical (neck) vertebrae.  When the cervical spine subluxates, there is interference with the proper nerve flow to the muscles.  Specifically, the trapezius muscle reacts by going into spasms.  When this occurs, the muscle contracts which contracts which further pulls the vertebrae out of its proper position, thus further interfering with nerve flow to the muscle and organs.  Without the ability of the trapezius muscle to pump the lymphatic system, sinuses cannot flow.  This tends to back up and sometimes result in infection.  Adjusting the cervical spine to corrrect misalignments allows the nerve flow to muscles and organs that controls the rate of lymph flow, thus allowing drainage.  Avoiding mucous producing foods, such as diary products, pastas, breads, etc.. can also help.